An In-Depth Look at Knee Sprains

An In-Depth Look at Knee Sprains

A knee sprain happens, then the ligaments and fibrous tissues which connect bones of the lower and upper leg at the knee joint are damaged. Your knee joint area has four ligaments, all of which work together in order to permit your ability to stand up, walk around, and participate in hobbies. The health of your knee is crucial to being able to perform normal activities. If you are currently suffering from a knee injury or sprain, you can turn to a doctor, like a knee doctor from Premier Osteoarthritis Centers of Pennsylvania, for an evaluation. 

Knee sprains are among the most common of knee injuries. Below, we will go over each of the four major ligaments of the knee, and how it may have become injured. A knee doctor can run diagnostic testing when creating your very own unique treatment plan. Your treatment may vary depending on which part of your knee ligament is damaged. 

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) 

The ACL and PCL create a bridge on the inside of your knee joints, forming a pattern that resembles an “X.” This stabilizes your knee from front-to-back and vise versa. Most often, an ACL sprain happens during a twist, hyperextension, direct impact, quick stop, pivot, or a change in knee joint direction. 

Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL)

Sprains occur to the PCL usually due to direct impact to the front area of the knee. Damage can happen if the knee gets hit during a car accident, by landing on the knee during sports, or due to a slip and fall. 

Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL)

The MCL runs along the inner side of your leg and supports the knee. It can be injured through a sideway blow to the lower leg or outer knee. The MCL may also be damaged due to an intense knee twisting, usually when the lower leg twists away from the upper leg during a fall. 

Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL)

An LCL provides outer support to the knee and is the area in which a sprain is least likely to happen. This is because LCL injuries most often are a result of a blow to the inside knee, which is typically shielded by the opposite leg. 

A knee doctor may ask you how exactly the injury happened, in order to narrow down which ligament is likely to be most affected. However, if one ligament is seriously injured, there is a chance the other ligaments are affected as well. Knee sprain symptoms can vary depending on which ligament is torn. 

New patients will need to have an initial knee injury evaluation. The longer you wait to be seen for your knee sprain or injury, the worse it may get over time. Act swiftly and reach out to a knee doctor promptly to find out more about the medical services they offer.